The Switch

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Written by Beth O’Leary 

Published today!

I was a mix of exited and scared to read this book after enjoying Beth O’Learys debut “The Flat Share” so much last year, however I was pleasantly surprised by this. It has a different feel entirely and I liked that.

The book follows Leena and her Grandmother Eileen as they deal with their own grief at the loss of Leenas sister and go on a journey to “find themselves” (although not at all in the way I have made that sound!).

Leena is a high flying city girl working in London and living what I imagine to be the London life, an apartment that is too expensive with a boyfriend she barely sees as he is also a busy city guy.

Her Grandma Eileen lives in a small village in the Yorkshire Dales but by all accounts she is not a lonely or bored old lady. She is part of many groups in the village and also loves to help out where she can, walking neighbours dogs, organising trips to bingo in the nearest town and so on.

When Leena goes to visit her Grandma (after too long, and a disaster at work) she decides that the best thing for both might be if they switch lives. Leena taking on her Grandmas role in the sleepy Yorkshire dales, and her Grandma finally getting to experience the London life she dreamed about as a young adult.

I really enjoyed that character development of both and loved that they both found themselves doing what they do in their old lives in their new ones, albeit in a different sense. Although some parts were predictable this was the perfect story to enjoy and help take my mind off the current situation going on in the UK.

I would definitely recommend this book if you read and enjoyed the Flat Share, if you just enjoy contemporary fiction or you want a wee change! I have spoken to a few bookstagrammers who don’t usually enjoy this style of book but loved both this and The Flat Share!

Stay safe and happy reading! 

Highland Book Fairy