Lockdown week 3

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on Pexels.com

I realise I  posted my last Lockdown post at the weekend but I have been trying to write them on a Tuesday so please bare with me! (it is now Thursday,, fail!)

This past week saw Easter, which for us usually means a family meal/walk, even though we aren’t particularly religious. Obviously however, this was not the case this year. Luckily my granny lives very close so while out on my walk for the day I went by hers and left some Easter treats on her doorstep.

It was also “supposed” to be the end of the UK lockdown on Monday, but obviously that didn’t happen…

Tuesday was also the first proper day of “remote learning” for us as the schools closed a week before the Easter break so it was almost like an extra holiday as we tried to figure out technology. So far about half the class have accessed the learning but it’s a start! It’s going to be a weird time but hopefully we will get through it okay!

This weeks positives

  • I finished The Stranger on Netflix, I have so many unanswered questions though
  • I have this weeks learning all planned and I am managing to post on time!
  • I can work from my bed aka a lie in
  • It was sunny at the weekend!

I have a news story to share this week too..
Some sheep took over a play park!

stay safe and happy reading!

Highland Book Fairy

2 thoughts on “Lockdown week 3

  1. YES – sheep in a park!!
    Glad you managed to enjoy your Easter weekend despite the lockdown, bet your granny was glad of the treats.
    We’re not religious either but would usually go to my mum’s for a roast. We had one here though I think she missed having us. Peapod was too little for Easter last year so it was an extra positive to do lots of Easter things with him – egg hunts and bast cakes and sensory trays etc.

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