Wilde About the Girl

Written by Louise Pentland 

*Note there miscarriage is discussed in this book*

This is the second book in the Robin Wilde series and I think it preferred it. As you will see from my post about Wilde Like Me I have been a long time follower of Louise on YouTube and while the first book seemed very similar to her/what she would say in a vlog this one seemed more removed and I feel was better written.

This book follows on from the first, where “after the year from hell” Robin has pulled herself up and got herself sorted. She no longer feels consumed by The Emptiness, she has the lovely Edward from New York as a casual (but not so casual) thing when he’s back in the UK and she feels she is finally getting the balance of being a Mum! This is trown slighlty when a big opportunity at work arises but with the support of her Auntie and Laceys dad, she feels she can manage and is excited to show everyone what she can do.

However, while Robin is thriving the important people in her life are not. Her best friend Lacey is struggling, her and her husband have been trying to conceive for so long now she is losing hope and doesn’t know what to do. Her daughter Lyla has started saying some nasty things about others and Auntie Kath seems to be struggling.

I really enjoyed the character development in this book and the story-line was not as predictable as you may expect from this style of writing. There are lots of highs and lows within this book but I think Louise tackles them really well and I found myself laughing, crying and cringing along with the characters. There are also lots of strong female characters in this book so you leave it feeling empowered!

I would definitely recommend this to those who enjoy women’s fiction books/chick lit and think you could read this squeal without having read the first as there is enough descriptions and reminders through the book so that you wouldn’t be confused!

Do you always read series in order or would you pick up one particular one that takes your fancy?

Happy reading! 

Highland Book Fairy